Magnetic Force

Far-flung to the far northern reaches towards the state border, she spun wildly before floating softly upon the dry land. The arm that released her shakes its soreness out, clenching and unclenching the hand that aches for her to come back, but instead offers a cheerful wave goodbye. By the glow of campfire, a dog on her lap sniffs the air, smells her espresso curls, licks at a wry grin under her button nose. Twin flames dancing in her eyes, she’s steady on her feet. To attempt to shove her in the wrong direction is to learn the third law of motion the hard and fast way. It’s not all in your head. She learned a thing or two in Psychology. She’s her own compass, gauging her bearings, and drawing others near. On her long drives, she goes over her steps and the progress she’s made to help someone else make their own progress. It’s about making progress. It’s about knowing which direction to take the next step, and knowing there’s always a way back.

Jody Rae

Jody Rae’s creative nonfiction essays appear in The Avalon Literary Review, The Good Life Review, From Whispers to Roars, and Red Fez. Her short story, “Beautiful Mother” was a finalist in the Phoebe Journal 2021 Spring Fiction Contest. She was the first prize winner of the 2019 Winning Writers Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest for her poem, "Failure to Triangulate". She has pieces forthcoming in Sledgehammer Lit, RESURRECTION magazine, and Change Seven Magazine. Her work can be found at