Who We are


Mike Carney

Found in the classroom as much as the coffee shop, Mike teaches social studies and writes poems, short stories, and the occasional political polemic. Previously, he’s worked for Elizabeth Warren, written for Borgen Magazine, and promoted Muslim voices through the AIC’s Dream Deferred Project. When he’s not writing, Mike is bounding through the forests, mountains, and valleys, lecturing squirrels about equity.


Christie Flemming

In her writing, Christie Flemming attempts to interrogate an uneasiness, and cultivate a sense of wonder. She grew up in New England, but dreams of escaping to somewhere new-er. She attended Colgate University for undergrad as a Philosophy & Religion major, and the Salt Institute for Documentary Studies. Christie loves rainbow sprinkles, moss, social justice and sex positivity.


Kat BuckinghaM

Kat is a voice actor, occasional stage actor, and poet in the Boston area. Kat originally hails from the shorelines of southeastern Connecticut, and derives influence from the city, sea, and forests she grew up with. By day, she is a nonprofit professional; by night, she is a voice actor and Head of Operations for The Penumbra Podcast. Kat loves chocolate chip cookies, weird mushrooms, and collecting plants.


Kyle O’Leary

Kyle is a writer, a drummer, and a deep thinker. He’s written album reviews, short stories, and poetry. Kyle grew up in southeastern Massachusetts, where he found his inspiration for his poem “Hockomock Swamp”. He enjoys stand up comedy, cooking for family and friends, and his favorite cocktail is a classic Negroni.